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2013 17th Best Brewer In The World

Hoppin’ Frog Brewery has been rated the 17th best brewer in the world by RateBeer.com. RateBeer.com conducts the largest beer competition in the world with more than 180,000 beers from over 13,000 brewers worldwide tallied in the 2013 results.

Hoppin’ Frog Brewery has been rated in the Top 25 brewers in the world for the last four years and six years in the top 100 brewers. A true testiment to our intense focus on making great beer.

We are extremely proud of all of our beers and especially proud of our flagship beer – B.O.R.I.S. The Crusher Oatmeal Imperial Stout rated the best beer in Ohio for 2013 by RateBeer.com.